The York County Sheriff’s Office seeks to build trust within our community and enhance the quality of life in the County of York.
As a means of maintaining both police performance and police / community relations, the York County Sheriff's Office encourages citizen feedback on the Sheriffs Office's performance or the actions of its members.
Recognizing Superior Performance:
To commend the actions of a York County Sheriff’s Office employee, you may:
Call the Sheriff's Office (207-324-1113 or 207-459-2400) and speak with the Sheriff, Chief Deputy or Major, to whom you can verbally communicate your praise; or,
Write a letter or email Sheriff William L. King at wlking@yorkcountymaine.gov explaining your praise.
Sheriff William L. King
York County Sheriff’s Office
1 Layman Way
Alfred, ME 04002
Commendations received by the Sheriff for any York County Sheriff’s Office employee result in the employee being advised of your kindness and gratitude and a permanent record of the employee's actions and your appreciation in the employee's personnel file. Depending on the situation, the employee could be considered for the other sheriff's office or community awards recognition during our awards ceremonies.
When you have a Question or Complaint:
The York County Sheriff’s Office is committed to providing the best possible police service. Citizen cooperation and input is essential if the Sheriff’s Office is to achieve this goal. If you have a question or complaint about any specific action taken by the sheriff's office or any of its members, or if you have a recommendation on how we may improve police services, we suggest:
Visit or call the sheriff's office (207-324-1113 or 207-459-2400) and speak with the Chief Deputy or Major.
If the matter concerns investigations, records or dispatch, e-mail the Chief Deputy at jdforbes@yorkcountymaine.gov or call 207-459-2202.
E-mail the Major at pgmitchell@yorkcountymaine.gov or call 207-459-2206.
Your questions or recommendations can also be mailed to the Sheriff at the above address.
Filing a Complaint:
The York County Sheriff's Office accepts and investigates all complaints against members of the agency. Like commending an employee, complaints will be accepted in person (preferred), or by telephone, mail or email. A complaint is considered any allegation of misconduct, which, if true, would be a violation of law, or agency policy, directive or standard operating procedure.
When filing a complaint, you will be referred to the Chief Deputy, Major or on-duty supervisor, who is responsible for reviewing and processing all complaints in accordance with established protocols. At other times, these discussions with the Chief Deputy, Major or on-duty supervisor allow for explanation regarding police policy and procedures that sometimes lead to a better understanding of the employee’s perspective and actions.
All complaints involving violations of Sheriff’s Office regulations will be accepted, recorded and properly investigated. You will be contacted by the assigned investigator or a supervisor for any additional information or clarification and in order to arrange for a formal interview, if necessary.
While the York County Sheriff's Office does encourage citizens to file complaints, the complaints must be made in good faith. You will be asked to sign an acknowledgement stating that you understand the consequences of filing a false complaint. Should the investigation reveal that a complainant or witness made statements known or believed to be false, the Sheriff’s Office may pursue criminal charges against that person.
Once Internal Affairs has investigated and gathered sufficient facts concerning your allegation, the matter will be presented to the Sheriff or his designee, who will determine whether or not the employee violated any law or Sheriff’s Office policies, rules or regulations. The Sheriff or his designee will determine what action, if any, should be taken to address any violations or resolve the complaint. All complaints will be reviewed for indications of ways we can improve policies, procedures, or training.