York County Fire & EMS Assistance Office

Fire Administrator
Roger Hooper
Email : Roger Hooper
Phone: (207) 459-2496
Address :
149 Jordan Springs Rd
Alfred, ME 04002
Emergency: 911
Fire & EMS Assistance Office Mission Statement
“A coordinated, cost-effective organization committed to enhancing the quality of life through a collaborative, regional approach to delivery of fire protection, technical rescue and emergency medical services that aid, protect and support our residents and visitors.”
Fire & EMS Assistance Office Vision
“Develop the York County Fire & EMS Assistance Office into an organization that provides those capabilities and emergency services necessary within the County. Services and capabilities that have a collective benefit to all Emergency Service Organizations with the County. In a collaborative effort, develop common operating capabilities, shared services and resources, initiate efforts to modernize service delivery, provide more cost-effective services, increase the reliability and dependability of Fire Protection, Technical Rescue and Emergency Medical Services within the County.”
2021 Year End Report
Click here to obtain a copy of the Fire/EMS 2021 Year End Report